Klamath Basin ... a little late, but a nice reminder how
wonderful fall can be when I've been looking at grey-cloudy and damp for three
months. This post is largely snippits
from my journal written when we visited the Klamath Basin Refuges in early November. The Roosevelt quote is taken off a sign posted on the refuge. The trip happens to coincide with the start of a new
Nov 5, 2014:
Good way to start a new journal! We’re heading out – going to one of my
favorite places. It’s a beautiful fall
day in Roseburg. Damp. Milky sunshine. The air barely moves. First we head south, following Oregon's
western forest. By the time we reach the
Klamath Basin, 125 miles away, we'll be farther south and on the other side of
the Cascade Mountains.
Puffs of new clouds ease out of the steep, damp slopes. Some are dense enough to hold and drift
upwards, others dissipate like wandering will-o-the-wisps.
Moon I: We're back in
the Basin. Full moon rises to the west
of Miller’s Island (just sw of Klamath Falls, Oregon). Actually I think it is the night before the
full moon … this moonrise made more beautiful because the sky still carries
hues of dusky rose and blue greys. The
moon looks perfect and may be closer to its moment of absolute fullness than
tomorrow night. The moment of fullness
is probably in the wee hours of the morning rather than tomorrow evening.
Nov 6:
We’re parked
in the shade of a big willow on lower Klamath’s tour route – across from acres
and acres of flooded willows. Hunting is
taking place not far from here, and that is probably why hundreds of ducks are
hanging out in the flooded willows. Good
food for them here too.
Flock after flock of shovelers, pintails, wigeons, teal and
mallards pop into the air and then back down. Those that fly left to right
struggle with the wind, but as they turn, they zoom by flying as if they have
hidden wings. Down in the willows we
can’t se them, but we can still hear
their soft gabbling and an occasional antsy hen mallard. Four harriers and two retails are in the area
too. I think they are the mysterious
force that keeps stirring the pot.
Here comes a bald eagle ducks rise all over again. What a marvelous spot to be. I hear the wind in the willows, feel the warm
sun on my back and I see the sky alive with birds.
I’ve been sketching and writing. Far off I hear geese. All morning I’ve only seen one small flock of
Canadas. Now I look up. Way high a flock of speckle bellies (white
fronted geese) are coming in to the Basin.
1000 … no 2000 … with my binoculars I see more. Maybe 3000.
Several flocks are up there. Some
have set their wings and are dropping into the far end of the sump we are
watching. A few wiffle -- tipping and turning they slip sideways,
losing altitude far more quickly than mere parachuting.
For five minutes the sky is alive with speckle bellies; then
all have landed out of our sight. When
did they last touch land? Where? Or are they just coming from their feeding grounds
and are now flying high to stay above the hunters?
It is the night of the full moon. Don’t expect much because of the clouds, but
when are driving back to Klamath for the night, we see the moon is high enough
to play hide and seek with the clouds.
Nov 7:
We awoke to fog … and headed back to
yesterday morning’s hot spot. Ever so
different this morning. The fog has
lifted, but the birds are quiet. Between
a pair of bald eagles and two great horned owls we must have photographed for
over an hour in the same area. I only
saw one harrier. The redtails were mostly
perched. Not nearly as much duck
We spent late afternoon and dusk on the road between Lava
Beds and the refuge. Two nice bucks and
a couple of younger ones. Very few birds
in the air. By the time we are ready to
head back to Klamath Falls for the night the moon is rising … this time a big
yellow / orange moon in a clear sky. I
feel as though I’ve been treated to three full moons in three days.
Nov 8: We’ve come back to Lower Klamath tour route. The murmur of hundreds of ducks sounds rather
like a billion insects buzzing. Many are
feeding amongst the flooded willows.
There is no hunting on this sump so the ducks have found safe haven
here: 3000? 5000?
Hard to estimate the number. A
We stay in the same area from about 11 AM until nearly
dark. New things keep happening but no
more excitement like we had the first morning.
Redtails are plentiful, but didn’t seem to be bothering the ducks. One did get himself all wet and tangled in
the willows. I suspect he was after a
duck but just got fouled up instead.
(our photos later showed he had a coot!)