My last blog post was eight months ago! Hard to believe. The ironic thing is that the title of my last
blog post was “Derailed by a Bug”; --‘ bug’ as in ‘insect.’ Little did I know that some more derailing
was in store for me including ‘bug’ as in getting sick.
Fortunately the getting sick part was only part of the
derailment … but it did put me way behind.
I had three big projects on the table for last winter. One was finishing an insect project Dale
and I have focused on for the past three years.
We’ve taken hundreds of photos, picked the best, identified them, and
written up information on over 100 of the insects found at the South Slough
National Estuarine Reserve over on the Oregon Coast. I didn’t get finished. It’s waiting for the winter rains to come. Then I can find plenty of sit down time at my
computer. Still some writing to do, but
I’m on the home stretch.
My second project had a commitment date, so it got shoved to
the forefront when I got pressed for time.
I had volunteered to create art for the Visitor Information Specialist
at the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuges (California and Oregon). I painted art for a big banner and also
painted about 20 critters, all to be laminated.
The plan is for children to learn about the habitat needs of various
animals and then place the animals in their correct habitat. Sometimes a little knowledge goes a long way
towards helping a child learn to appreciate and protect something. I hope so.
My third project has been dear to my heart for a
long time – almost ready to fledge as I write.
I’ve gathered together favorite sketches from our many years
of visiting Yellowstone National Park and published them along with some of my
notes – very much like my blog, but focusing on Yellowstone. Soon I’ll write a blog post and officially
launch my book. I’m almost ready!
Meanwhile I plan to start blogging again – as always on an
irregular basis.